It's been a long time since my last post.
So much has happened since I started this blog years ago.
The blog was my second home for a long time. It seems like a lifetime ago that I was a stay at home mom.
I miss those days. I loved those days. But things happened and I had to make some changes. I became a "working mom". Well, a mom that had to go outside the home at get a job with a paycheck.
I hated leaving my full time mom job but it was necessary.
Things got crazy! I had to adjust. My family had to adjust. But we did it and we survived....I thnk!
It's been six years now. I've been teaching video game design and art to middle schoolers for 6 years!!
My kids are teenagers
And about a year and a half ago I started a new journey. A health journey!
You see the stress of the past 6 years wasn;t wearing well on my body, on my health.
I gained weight and lost confidence!
I needed a change.
I started a program called the 21 day fix! It's a 3 part system (of sorts). 1. Clean Eating 2. 30 minute workouts from home everyday 3. One superfood shake everyday!
It changed it so much so that I started helping others with this program and it is changing their lives too!
I want to share. I want to share the process, the journey of get fit and healthy. I want to share the business opportunity with everyone and anyone who really wants a better, happier life! IT WORKS!!
If you're here. If you're reading this! It's a sign! You were meant to read this because you need this like I needed it! Let me help you! Let me be your coach! You won't believe how your life will change. How good you will feel in your own skin
Leave me a comment! Let me know you were here! Let's talk! I spend most of my social media time on my facebook like page documenting my journey and connecting with challengers. Challenger are people who agree to accept the challenge of changing their life but improving their health.. They are challengers in my private accountabiliy group! We support each other, motivate and inspire to eat clean, and exercise daily!
Small changes add up to big results over time.
I have lost 25 lbs, went from a size 8-10 to a 2-4
I was diagnosed with low thyroid over a year ago and was put on medication. NOW NO Low thyroid, no medicine. FOOD IS MEDICINE!!!
Is this something you are interested in doing? Contact me@!
I have a new challnege group starting this month.
Check out my health and fitness page on facebook @mymidlifemakeover
If you stop by please like and follow for ideas and inspiration!
How to Make Your Living Room Feel Bigger
1 day ago