( I still have some work to do on this montage but I wanted to post something new to my blog and since this is what I've been doing...)

Here is a collage of the pictures that I used for this montage:)

Time to go plan a fun weekend with the kids. We're thinking of seeing "Diary of a Wimpy kid" since my son read all the books.
Have a great weekend!
If you would like to see another mosaic turned montage click HERE
And a little spring mosaic that I did on St. Paddy's Day HERE
See more wonderful mosaics at Mary's Little Red House Mosaic Monday!
You can also see the cover that I made for this montage project HERE
Clever! You're very talented. I love that the fire hydrant is yellow. (silly, but where I live they're all red).
Hope your weekend is nice :)
Happy Saturday Sharefest. Nice work, I'd love to learn how to do something like that.
Hi there.
Love your pics!
Stopping by via SITS to say hello.
Have a great day!
You're getting good at this! I especially love the background w/the storm drain and the 'no dogs' sign.
awwwww! so cute!
Hi, Love your Mosaic! I hope that you have a wonderful rest of your day. Happy Spring!
That made me laugh out loud.
I love it...
I love your mosaic and putting the dog's head on the body of the boy is wonderful! I loved it. Thank you for stopping by to see my mosaic.
Very cool idea! Love the collage and mosaic, very creative!
So creative!!
hehe! Love the "no dogs allowed" sign. :)
I think you should get the prize for the cutest mosaic!!! (if there was a prize) Great mosaic!!!
That's a new technique to me - fascinating!
You made me laugh out loud with this photo. Too funny!
How very clever and talented you are! This brought a smile to my face. Happy Mosaic (Montage) Monday!
What fun! I'm sure it took a while, but it's a satisfying result.
Adorable! What a great job you did!
Love it! Happy Spring!
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