This post is from my Creatively Fit walk on Saturday. I enjoyed it so much I had to share it with you on my Chalk it up! Blog too:)
Today's walk was creative and CORNY! We went to the Zellwood Corn Maze. Today was the first day of this event. We started in the small maze (the snow flake) and worked our way up to the big one( the sun)! There were activities to do in each maze, word finds and pencil rubbings in the big maze...
Today's walk was creative and CORNY! We went to the Zellwood Corn Maze. Today was the first day of this event. We started in the small maze (the snow flake) and worked our way up to the big one( the sun)! There were activities to do in each maze, word finds and pencil rubbings in the big maze...

Did I mention it was HOT!! There was a bridge in the center of the maze with a man selling ice cold water. We bought two!
There was also a wind tunnel outside the maze. Very cool!!
Noah before the corn maze and hay ride-City Slicker
The large maze was a 4 mile walk(if walked the entire maze) I would say we walked about 3/4 of the maze. The smaller one was about a mile. I was delirious toward the end. I wore jeans, stupid move!It looked like Fall but it sure didn't feel like it!
I hope you're enjoying some crisp Autumn air today!
Unfortunately, our day ended with Matthew being sick. The poor thing is feeling terrible with a fever. I hope he's feeling better in the morning.
Add on: It's now Sunday going into Monday and he still has a fever. It started late Saturday. We'll give it another day before calling the doctor (unless it gets worse-than I'll call today)
I hope everyone else is feeling healthy and fit today!
Just dropping by from SITS;
...what a creative lady you are; Pictures very impressing and combinations absolutely wonderful;
I'll take a very close look at your blog; INSPIRING work,
ciao and bye from TUSCANY!
I would love having you dropping by!!
Wow, great mosaics. LOve the stories that goes with them.
Have a nice day
Love your pictures and your post. Happy Monday!
wonderful pictures as always! That looks like a fun place :-) I love the finger painting fortune telling!
I hope he feels better soon, poor guy :-(
Wow, that sounds like so much fun! I've never been in a maze before. Thanks so much for sharing your good times at Mosaic Monday. :)
I love corn mazes! I haven't been to one in forever, but we're taking our youth group to one this weekend! Can't wait!
What a lovely mosaic subject. I love your creativity. Looks like a fun time was had.
You probably would have enjoyed what I posted today after your day of adventure. Come by and say hi.
Have a Blessed Week,
I went for a wlak to to the store with my son on Saturday. It should have been a longer walk, but I'm lazy. It as a start though.
You posted such great pictures and hey you even had some pumpkins. Love it!!
visiting from sits roll call.
The pictures in your mosaic are beautiful! Must be fun at the maze!
Wow, I wish there was some place like that near where I live! I love the mosiacs, the finger painting one in particular.
Dropped by from SITS, and looks like I'll be dropping by more often! Great work =]
Enjoyed looking at your mosaics. You are so creative. I have always wanted to do a maze walk.
Hi Cindy! Great mosaics! I have never done a corn walk, though my daughter goes every year and says, like you, that it's really hot! I hope your son is feeling better...Debbie
Love your mosaics, Cindy! It looks like a really fun day for everyone. Thanks so much for stopping by Mimi's Garden today. Have a beautiful new week...Kathy
WOW, are you creative and talented! Love your post, looks like a great time! LOL, before and after! Great mosaics!
Hy, Thank you so much for having taken a glimpse on my TUSCANY; I loved your comments and: try to come soon to this enchanting land in Italy; I would love giving you any tipps and hints you need!
I will read in those days with joy your fantastic and original blog!!!
have great days!!!!
ciao elvira
It looks like you had a perfect day for the maze. I love the way you put them all together as well and the backgrounds. ~Jeanne
Looks like a wonderful experience. Hope Matthew is feeling better. Love the collages and the pastel portraits in your sidebar. Thanks for visiting my mosaic posts at Small Reflections and Sacred Ruminations.
Hugs and blessings,
Oh FUN!!!
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