Yesterday the boys went fishing. I sat up on the hilltop as I watched them being boys. It was a beautiful sight! As I gazed at them in the distanced I imagined that all three boys were mine.(Two are mine and one is my older son's friend). I find that I do this quite often when one of my son's has a friend along. I think, how nice it would be to have three boys that are close in age. My boys are 12 and 8.(the friend is 10). One right in the middle would have been perfect (so I think).(I always get a little sad thinking that that could never be now.)
Then all of a sudden my perspective changed! I realized if I had three there would be no room for the friend to come along. I also thought if the three, down on the dock, were all mine one would be pushed in the water by now! The reason all three are getting along so nicely is because one is a novelty. Also, at the end of the day, I have two mouths to feed (with the occasional third as a welcomed guest). It's almost like being a grandparent to the third. You get to enjoy him for a while and than send him home for the parents to deal with:)
So my perspective has changed! I love having my two with an occasional ever changing third party to enjoy and send home:)
What I learned:
When you're feeling a little down about your situation, take a moment and view it from another angle. You may be surprised at what you see. And you may really find that you are happy with what you have!
Enjoy your Mosaic Monday! @ Mary's little red house:)
Lucky you! Yes, perspective is everything and you are blessed.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful Summer fishing mosaic. Have a great week, Mary
I love your perspective on things; it's much like mine. One must always be optimistic and glean the best out of any situation. Life is too short to ever be down or depressed or angry. It takes so much energy.
Great photos of the boys fishing! Relaly looks like summer to me!
Boys tend to travel in "packs"...and they remain friends for life...they're odd little guys I think...I feel like a Mom to my son's friends and they come and visit me occasionally...(They are all in their mid twenties)...
I love this post and of course your wonderful photographs. I sometimes can get emotionally unstuck by wondering if I am asking the right question. That's what you did. You changed the question from why didn't I have a 3rd child between the other two....to what are the joys of having two and adding an ever changing third into the mix. Thanks for the reminder to rethink from a different angle.
I miss all of us posting on Creatively Fit.
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