I wrote "WE" on the chalkboard, that hangs above my computer, because it is there to remind my family to think about what "WE" are thankful for...
I am thankful for...
1. My family
2. My friends
3. My Home
4. My health and the health of family and friends
5. The memories of people that I hold dear, who are not here with me today, but will be forever in my heart.
6. My husband getting laid off from his job last February
7. Losing my other blog "Art Spectrum" last summer
8. The time I had with hubby when he lost his job
9. Hubby getting a new and better job
10.My new and improved blog
12.My art
13.My Chalk it Up! followers
14.All the beautiful gifts of nature
And the list goes on and on!
The biggest thing that I learned, this year, is to be thankful for things that appear to be hardships or misfortunes. In those hardships, lie opportunities and possibilities,and a chance to learn and grow, and renew ones faith in God. It was during those times that I had to work really hard at thinking positive. I challenged myself to spend five minutes everyday writing a list of the things that I was thankful for at that moment. This was key, for me, in thinking positive! The outcome of that positive thinking was a stronger marriage, and a happier life!
When you are focused on what you are thankful for it is hard to be unhappy. There is always something to be thankful for...even if it is just the single breath of air that you are inhaling at this very moment.
I wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful for you!
Writing that list every day sounds like a good idea. Visiting from SITS, hope you're having a good weekend :)
That is a great gratitude list!
I know it's been a tough and crazy year for you. I'm glad things have worked out for the best and that you've managed to stay positive through it all!
What a great list. I mean your family sure has gone a long way this year. New job, and look at your chalk boards and your other site. I would say you do have a lot to be Thankful for.
My gratitude list is never ending... I really mean it....it just goes on and on and on!
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