This project was done in two days, completely using paint only!!
Here are the supplies that I used:

1. Black Fabric paint 4 bottles @ $6 ea =$24
2. Metallic Glaze paint 1 jar @ $6
3. Spray paint Espresso Stain finish 4 cans @ $4 ea =12
4. Natural Sea Sponge
5. Kitchen Sponge
6. Soft bristle chip paintbrush
7. Screw driver
Total cost of supplies = $42
Steps by Step:
1. With a Philips screw driver, I disassembled the cushions (seats and backs) from metal frames and removed glass top from base. Wiped down all frames to remove any surface dirt.
2. Took all the metal frames outside in an open space and spray painted all frames. This spray paint worked great! One coat only!

3. While the frames dried, I cleaned all of the cushions with warm water and kitchen sponge. I removed all surface dirt. Allowed cushions, a few hours, to dry. It's ok to paint on if they are still slightly damp.
4. Using a soft bristle chip brush, I painted all cushions with fabric paint. One generous coat was all that was needed to cover the white fabric. Allowed to dry overnight.
5. Next day, I applied, with a sea sponge, metallic glaze to all frames. Allowed glaze to dry to touch (A few minutes) and reattached cushions to chairs. Put glass back on base and done!
6. Wait a few days before sitting on chairs. It will be ready just in time for company!:)

This table was a hand me down from my sister-in-law, so it was free initially. I feel like I have a brand new set!!
Just lovely...and how fun! I get into furniture "makeover" projects every so often. As the weather turns colder, though, my "workshop"-which doubles as a screen porch-is pretty much out of commission for the season. SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!
The Packers' Pied Piper...and a PIE!
That looks so great! I am very impressed. I have a really old table myself that does not match my chairs. I think you have inspired me:)
What a difference!
It's amazing how a bit of paint can take something from older and kind of dated to new and elegant in a flash.
This is amazing. It does not even look like the same table either. Wow... I like the new color..
Great job! It's beautiful.
ahhhhhh, This is a real ARTISTIC-WORK!!!!!
FANTASTICO and I must say; VERY ELEGANT now!!!!!!
This dark Color fits super-well in this very light AMBIENTE!!!!!
BRAVISSIMA! I love projects like that....once in a while I do "Abracadabra-Simsalabim" too...
I just love it!
have a great evening!!
ciao elvira
Wow, the room seems to have gotten a new lease of life! Great makeover by you
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