Follow along, It'll be fun!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Go Green! Chalk in Pocket

I began my chalkboard business on etsy a little over a week ago. I am very excited to offer custom made chalkboards. You can order a chalkboard in any size that I can ship. Chalkboards are a great educational tool, they are envirnomentally friendly and they are just plain fun! I sell framed and unframed chalkboards in my shop. I also listed an offer to do an 8"x10" pastel pet portrait for $50. You can scroll down to see examples of my work.
I look forward to meeting all of you in Amy's fun Round Robin!

This lovely little pouch was knitted, by my talented Mom, completely out of plastic shopping bags! (almost completely-the colorful trim is ribbon). Don't you just love this!! We thought it would make a perfect pouch for a mini chalkboard.
This chalkboard looks a little bumpy because I was testing out some magnetic paint. I was dissappointed to find that it had a rough texture and was not very magnetic. So, this board is just a sample.
Picture it:
You are at the store and you run into an old friend. You want to exchange phone numbers. ( How many times has this happened to you. You can't find a piece of paper or something to write with. You take out your lipstck and an old wrinkled receipt and you scribble it on the pathetic scrap of paper. Good luck finding that number when you need it!) With your chalk in pocket, all you have to do is pull out your mini chalkboard, conveniently stored in your chic little pouch and jot down the number.
I sound like an infomercial but think of all the possibilities for this handy little chalkboard. If you have a young child with you, at a restaurant or in the doctors waiting room, take out your mini chalkboard and let the (quiet) fun begin. Ok enough of the infomerial.

I will be selling this in my etsy shop:) Check out my fun chalkboards in my shop.

I am very excited about my new shop on etsy. I have just about finished packing my first 5 sales and will be shipping them out first thing in the morning!
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Capturing Sunshine said...

This is cute! Love love love your new blog design. Very pretty!!!

mommytoalot said...

Oh is that ever cute. My little one would love that. She adores purses.
thanks for stoppin by my blog yesterday.

LitLass said...

Visiting from SITS. Love your (and your mom's) work!

missknits said...

what a cute idea!! for adults and kids alike!

Amy said...

Thanks for playing along. It means so much to me that you did this. I hope that some others stop by today and see your work. I still want a chalk board of my own. Which I will look into when I get home. Thanks again. Have a great weekend.

Diane said...

brilliant! i love what you are doing! visiting from Amy's RR!

have a great weekend!

MediMonsters said...

Great idea!! Stopping in from Round Robin.

Off to check out your etsy shop!! I have one too, it's on my blog.

Following you now!

Anonymous said...

What a cute idea. Love your stuff. TFS

Amy said...

visiting from Amy's RR. Cute idea.