We adopted Lucy about two months ago! She is such a sweet little pup! She has offered many great photo ops. This mosaic is called, "I love Lucy!"

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Halloween Fun!!
What do eight, eleven and thirteen year old boys have in common? They all like sharp objects and ripping the guts out of a pumpkin!
This afternoon, in order to kill time (pun intended) I took my boys to a pumpkin patch to get three pumpkins, one for each of my boys and my thirteen year old nephew(their cousin).
We came home and invited cuz over to carve pumpkins.
It was a wonderful afternoon! The three of them were so busy, stabbing, cutting, ripping and creating.
My eleven year old, the future chef, was most busy cleaning and roasting the seeds. My eight year old mostly ripped the guts out of his pumpkin (I did the carving). And my nephew, the thirteen year old, took such pride in his masterpiece, and he enjoyed spending much of the time teasing his old Aunt.:)
Halloween is one of those times when you become painfully aware of your children growing up, by how they perceive the holiday.
It warmed my heart to see them all still acting like children.
Later, we went trick or treating, which brings out the kid in all of us!

I hope you had a happy and safe Halloween!
Click on the following links to see other Halloween posts:
My eight year old was an Evil Jester and my eleven year old was Chucky as played in my spooky story
My, what a difference four years makes! Noah, age 4, as a majestic lion!
Oh yeah, don't forget to enter my chalkboard giveaway!:)
Be sure to stop by The Second Annual SITS Halloween Parade to see all the fun!
Sounds like you guys had a blast! Pumpkin carving is such a great tradition! Visiting from SITS! Happy Halloween!
Fun! Love the collage. Dropping in from SITS!
You are so right. You can see the time passing in the way they appreciate dressing up etc : ). Pumpkin carving sounds like a blast. I don't know how we missed that this year...
I love this collage! It's so orange!
Those boys sure had a great time...
Great photo collage. :) They did a good job on those pumpkins! Stopping by from SITS!
That looks like SO much fun!
Love the "Tick or Treat" on the chalkboard!
Great fun photos!
Stopping by from SITS!
Looks like they had a great time! I love carving pumpkins!
"No dogs allowed past this point". Makes a sad puppy dog face. LOL Very cute mosaic.
The Blue Ridge Gal
Beautiful photo mosaics.
Fun Pumpkin mosiac, it does look like fun. I love the dog Lucy too.
These mosaics are so much fun!
The pumpkin carvings looks so pretty! And that was lots of fun!
I love your mosaics and I LOVE LUCY TOO! Thank you for adopting her - I'm a real animal lover! Fun to come and visit and see your little spot on the globe!
I LOVE your mosaics and I LOVE LUCY! Thanks for adopting her - I'm a real animal lover. Love your pumpkin-fun too!
Cindy, your pictures are beautiful, as well as your mosaics. Your quite a wonderful artist too! Your paintings are amazing. Thank you for stopping by my blog and posting a comment!
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