In my Illustrator class we are learning how to use the gradient mesh tool. It's amazing how realistic you can make your illustration look using this tool.
Here is an exercise that I did using this tool
This is the photo reference:
And here is my digital rendering using the gradient mesh tool:
I think the stem gives it away. I tried to fix the stem a little:)
This exercise was to prepare for the final project, a still life.
Here is a link to a series of GRADIENT MESH TUTORIALS
I had something exciting happen last week, I'll share on my next post...
I know this doesn't belong here. But I can't seem to get your email button to work. I had a question about chalkboards. I was wondering if pastels (like, rembrant or NuPastel) clean off of the chalk boards as good as regular cheap chalk. I noticed you have some great paintings on the right side of your blog that look like pastel. But I wondered how easily it cleans off. Also, what do think is the best way to keep your chalkboards clean?
Amazing. I think that the color contrast on the stem is too much. I think that if you changed that one thing it would look exactly like the photo.
I use artist chalk pastels to do my drawings on the chalkboards. All you have to do is wipe it off with a wet sponge or wet wipe. Sometimes it talks a few wipe downs to get it black again. Once you do it's as good as new:)
Thanks for stopping by!
Thanks Michelle!
I took your advice and worked on the stem a little more. I added a few layers of effects to soften it and tone it down. I may have toned it down just a tad too much. Oh well, calling this one done!
Thank for stopping by! I see we're practically neighbors:)
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