I tell the students that if they finish their assigned work early they can take one of the index cards(which I trace a circle on, using the red cup) and do a circle doodle. At first, they are not too impressed until I show them my circle doodle:)
For some silly reason this impresses them:)
Ok so now I have their attention. I talk to them about the humble doodle. I say, doodles are great because we don't expect anything from them, we don't judge them, we don't even really have to think to hard to do them, at least not consciously. They start doing their class assignment so they can finish up and get working on their all important doodle! Sometimes students are reluctant. I had a student that wasn't interested so I took out a doodle that I had started and asked him if he wanted to finish it. This seemed to motivate him and give him the confidence to doodle. That got me thinking. So on my lunch break I started several circle doodles. I gave the students the option of starting with a blank circle or one that I started. I was happy to see that most opted for blank circle. But it would have been interesting to see what they would have done with the ones that I started too. Here is a mosaic of those circles that I started.
I thought it might be fun to try a little doodle game on my doodle blog Doodle it Up! (poor little blog has been so neglected). If you'd like to play, head on over to Doodle it Up!
And don't forget to stop by Mary's little red house for Mosaic Monday!
That's a very nice drawing or doodle. I can't draw a straight line with a ruler! LOL But I do like to doodle. Have a great day!
A View of My Life
What a fun way to connect with young people who have notoriously short attention spans!
I doodle every day! I think i might go nuts if i didn't.
Great idea for the kids.
What a great idea!!! You'll be known as the Circle Doodle Sub!!! (ok that kinda sounds odd)
There was a guy who subbed for the high school that my sisters and I attended (over the span of about 10 years--he was a committed sub!) who everyone called the Spaghetti Guy, because he would play a game that really made no sense, but everyone loved it. He would start by saying "raise your hand if you like spaghetti." that done, he'd go on to "raise your hand if you like____" and then he'd just keep going, over and over, taking a straw poll of the class. Sometimes he'd take suggeestions. how hilarious that we all loved it (although it sure beat doing homework I suppose).
But I think your idea is fantastic! Keep it going!
Have an Extraordinary Day!
I wish I had a sub like you when I was in school. I loved to doodle in class. You are so creative, I love looking at your stuff. I am working today, but I may just have to doodle a little when I get home. I'm getting bored knitting my sock.
I can NOT draw at all....that is a great doodle! I do however have 2 kiddos blessed with this art form...not sure where the gene came from but I am grateful
What a great idea! I Love that you give some of them partially started ones. Some may not know where to start. Stopping from SITS!
Stopping in from SITS. Love this idea. I also teach art and sometimes we have extra time at the end of class. Hope you don't mind if I borrow it.
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