Over a year ago I started a Vision Blog. This is a personal blog that I did for myself. I thought of the idea while reading
The Secret. In
The Secret it is suggested that you make a vision board, which is a bulletin board of picture representing the way you envision your life. You should place this board someplace where you will see it everyday. Visualization is key in turning your dreams into reality.
Doing a vision board and blog is fun and easy. Here is a mosaic that I made of some of the pictures found on my vision blog. I printed out this mosaic and tacked it to my vision board, which hangs next to my bed. When you've achieved a vision replace it with a new one.
As you can see, one of my vision was to do a mosaic. I'm happy to say this vision has become a reality. The mosaic below shows some of the steps to making this simple mosaic address plate, which now proudly hangs above my garage door!
Materials:Wood Plaque ,ceramic tiles and plate, gloves, hammer, old towel, snipers, mosaic tile glue (at craft store), sanded grout, sponge
Process :1. Paint plaque desired color.
2. Print out enlarged numbers in desired font.
3. Transfer numbers to plaque using chalk method (rub back of paper with chalk, place paper chalkside down on plaque, trace over numbers with pencil. Chalk will transfer onto plaque).
4. Break up plate and tiles into smaller pieces.(Place tiles on hard surface, I used my garage floor, cover with old towel, and smash.
5. Gather broken pieces. Begin gluing pieces in numbers first. Use snipers to shape pieces if necessary.
6. Next glue pieces to perimeter of plaque. Begin filling in the rest.
7. mix grout in small plastic container(following directions on package). Spread grout over tiles. Wipe excess grout off tiles.
8. Allow to dry. I also applies grout sealer for added protection.
I have also achieve some other vision from my vision blog. I will share them in the coming weeks. I will also share more about my thoughts on The Secret. I think I need it back in my life.
One vision, the very fit body, has yet to be achieved. Maybe today will be the day that I start on that vision:)
See more wonderful mosaics at
Little Red House!
See more great craft ideas at