This picture was taken during one of my Creatively Fit walks ( a blog started by me and my bff Hayley @ When I Grow). I was walking around this historic little town, inspired by all the details and yes, texture, taking a picture of the giant witch, when a man called to me from across the street. I hesitantly crossed over to where he was standing. He asked if I would take his picture. I agreed, only if he would allow me to post it on my blog:) He agreed. This is the picture that I took with my modest little point and shoot. I know this is probably not the type of picture they were looking for (no texture added) but what the heck!:) It's fun joining in over at i heart faces! )

See more texture photos at

I think that's awesome. I think I'd like to start asking people to take pictures of me, with their own cameras. Then I'd know that I was part of their memory. :)
Have an Extraordinary Day!
thats hilarious and hey for all we know you could have added the brick texture in photoshop LOL
The brick is a lovely texture, regardless of it not being added. I found you through SITS and will be following your blog as soon as I can get my reader working again. (Scheduled maintenance) I linked up with the I ♥ Faces challenge too, glad I found it through you!
Hey! Brick is texture!
Cute story!
I love the story. The guy looks so happy too. Thank you for sharing. I checked out your other blog as well. What a great idea.
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