Some of the guesses were:
A Hotel
A Museum Downtown
A Church
An Airport
A Market Place or Furniture store
The Answer is...
A Hospital!!

Florida Hospital
My father-in-law is in this hospital recovering from open heart surgery . I am happy to say that he is resting comfortably in this amazing hospital that is jokingly referred to as the hotel. His surgery was successful! He had a quadruple bypass and valve replacement. (very scary)
When we visited him he seemed in good spirits and was receiving excellent care. We were amazed at how quickly this all happened. He went to his doctor 2 weeks ago to have a procedure done in which a camera was inserted through an incision made in his thigh and sent up to his heart (I'm not 100% sure if this was the exact procedure but it was something like that). It was due to this procedure that they discovered he would need the surgery. One week later he was in the hospital having the surgery and now he is on the road to recovery! Amazing!!
This hospital was equally as amazing! Around every corner was a work of art inspired by scripture from the bible. There were beautiful chapels and even meditation gardens.
One of the most beautiful works of art was the mural seen below.
This mural is opposite the escalator by the main entrance of the hospital. (You can see this escalator from outside the buliding, pictured above.) I remember seeing a streaming video of this mural as a wip, as the artist performed his magic. I was so excited to see this mural in person. When we got to the bottom of the escalator we walked up close to the mural, which was roped off, about 3 feet away from the wall. The most impressive part of this fantastic mural was the trompe l'eoil effect in the border. It was so convincing that even at 3 feet away it was hard to tell if it was real or painted. AMAZING!!
The name of this incredible artist is Eric Grohe
I would love to spend a day as his apprentice learning some of his masterful tricks.
You can read more about this mural here

I know I have used the word amazing several times in this post. That is because
I am AMAZED by this hospital
I am AMAZED by these doctors
I am AMAZED by the quality of care that my father-in-law is receiving
I am AMAZED by my fil's positive attitude
I am AMAZED by the artwork and artists presented in Florida Hospital
Not only am I amazed, I am truly thankful.
Thank you for playing my little guessing game. I hope it was fun!
Hi Cindy
Very pleased to hear your Dad is recovering well...
I agree that hospital looks amazing...he won't want to come home lol
I found you on SITS. Love your chalkboards. I will remember where to come next time I am searching for one!
What a beautiful place. And I so gald your FIL is doing so great!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest! =)
I'm very glad to hear your FIL is doing so well!
It's also so nice to hear praise about a hospital...all too often you only hear the horror stories!!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!!!
Hi, stopping by from SITS. I never would have guessed that is a hospital. Glad to hear your FIL is doing so well.
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